Frida sin konfirmasjon
Frida sin konfirmasjon
Chloe Kayi Chan is from Hong Kong and have some freelance modeling experience. You can contact her here
Promo music video for the band Dement To Be… Film and pictures taken in Oslo in 2015. Check out the band’s facebook page ! VIDEO! Tok bilder og film av bandet …
This is the “Eagle’s Nest” or Kehlsteinhaus as it is originally named. The picture is a composite of 6 pics combined in Photoshop using the automatic Panorama function. (Notice the “twins” …
Norwegian band A Good Hiding. All pics taken at Torshov in Oslo in April 2015. (Check out the band’s facebook page) Gallery HERE
New gallery! Quick shoot with Norwegian coverband A Good Hiding the other day… Gallere HERE!
Introduction Are you wondering how to make a composite picture like my Easter Egg Thieves picture? Well… It all starts with an IDEA: Second step is to plan the …